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Electric bass didactics by Gaetano Ferrara

I would like to propose to you 4 thematic MODULES to have fun and learn all the secrets of the electric bass!


Here are my offers for you to have live lessons on Skype.

The attendance that gives the best results and effective progress is the weekly attendance, for this reason I would like to propose two options:

1) 4 lessons per month which last 60 minutes for a total of 120euro

2) 4 lessons per month which last 45 minutes for a total of 100euro

If you want to save more, I would like to propose a package of 8 LESSONS LASTING 40 MINUTES FOR 160EURO.

In all cases the didactic material is all included in the price (multimedia lessons with VIDEOS, PDF AND BACKING TRACKS).

Flexible timetable of the lessons, personalized teaching method, payment after the first lesson and if you are not satisfied, you can stop at anytime the module, receiving the restitution of the amount paid.

Choose your module and quickly try to contact me via Skype (my Skype name is: basstutor) in order to get know each other and check the connection!

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