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Electric bass didactics by Gaetano Ferrara

Gaetano...very Nice Person who made me passionate about bass with his sensitive attitude and his rigorous didactic approach.
He completely changed my sensitivity for music: from "I am out of tune" to "this is MY sound"!
Human and professional charge not frequent... but I say:... I LOVE Him!!! ♥ ️

I started studying the bass out of curiosity but Gaetano managed to convey his deep passion for this wonderful instrument.
His great knowledge combined with his empathetic and listening skills make him an excellent teacher.
Each lesson with him is a discovery of his own potential and this makes Gaetano a generous and stimulating Master.

Gaetano the "Maestro" certainly has the best teaching skills to make you love the study of electric bass.
If the commitment is mutual, you learn well and in the right time.

At the venerable age of 55 I decided to take electric bass lessons...
Meeting by chance - ex post I would say case in an oriental sense - Maestro Gaetano...
I immediately explain that I have no intention of learning music...
I just want to have fun...since then I have never stopped studying and deepening music.
Gaetano accompanies you, discreetly, on a journey to discover the musician inside teaches you not only the electric bass, but music as an inner life experience.
Thank you Maestro!!!

When after years of instrumental "auto-eroticism" you decide to start the specific study of your instrument again, what you hope is that you can meet a teacher who in addition to technical skill combines a quality that you can hardly find in other teachers: PATIENCE.
And I must say that I was really lucky to find M° Gaetano Ferrara.
With him, whether you are a beginner or a medium-level, growth is assured and in my case the only regret is that he has not been able to know him before... okay it will be in the next life... 😂

Gaetano Ferrara proposes a teaching that goes beyond the simple (but not too much) study of the instrument: theoretical and technical learning (above all) are fundamental for the development of one's artistic personality.
But constancy, fun and passion are the real keys with which the master instills his method, which places the study of music not only on a purely academic level, but also on the level of fantasy and the search for its own sound and autonomy of judgment.
Thanks Gaetano!

The method and the lessons take care of the aspects that normally are not taken into consideration, but are the most important: the positions of the right and left hand, the knowledge of the fingerboard.
More practice than theory.
In my opinion it is one of the best, if not the best.

Gaetano the teacher of my first steps as a bass player.
Great teacher.

Gaetano is an amazing teacher.
In his teachings he manages to combine musicality and technique, allowing anyone to express their potential.
His lessons include technical exercises, pentagram reading exercises, combined with creative exercises on very recurring patterns and the study of fantastic bass lines.
In summary, method and heart at the service of music. With Gaetano you will become musicians before performers!!!!!

Studying with Gaetano allowed me to grow on bass thanks to an impeccable and modulated teaching method on the student.
His attention to detail is always reflected in a collectible, articulated and multimedia teaching material.
The bases acquired in a short time I keep them solid despite not having much time to practice.
Definitely worth trying individual lessons and workshops.

Gaetano Ferrara is an excellent teacher as well as an exceptional musician.
His teachings have been valuable for my artistic growth, so I will never stop thanking.

I did some lessons with Gaetano but I understood in those lessons that he is an excellent teacher, attentive and precise.

Ever since I met Gaetano and his method, I can't find anything that is at his level.
I had the privilege of having him as a "live" teacher and I can confirm that he is a great teacher.
No unnecessary arguments, everything helped to make the lesson memorable.
His method made changes evident in no time.
His multimedia course accompanied me in times when I was unable to meet him in person.
The multimedia contents (both videos and lecture notes) are made so well that it is as if it taught you in person.
I absolutely recommend this method, and for those who live in Rome and have the opportunity I recommend taking lessons directly "live".

With Gaetano I started studying bass, he is a true, competent and reliable professional, from whom I learned the love for myself, for music and for this instrument: thanks again maestro!

Excellent teacher, precise, he transmits the teaching with seriousness and honesty and in addition to the high professionalism he is equipped with cutting-edge teaching tools.
I have been going to class for about 5 years.

I have studied with Gaetano for over ten years and it has been a beautiful path, sometimes even tiring, but the result really paid off for everything.
The growth is assured, in technique, in speed (also) artistic maturity.
Highly recommended.

Gaetano is an exceptional musician and an extremely qualified teacher. The lessons contained in his book "Didactics of the electric bass" are very punctual and also investigate those topics often (unjustly) underestimated by the average musician.
But Gaetano did not limit himself to this: multimedia contents, in fact, are an integral part of the method and offer a very useful support for studying. What else to say: highly recommended!!!

You can find more testimonials on the Facebook page reviews Didattica del Basso Elettrico.

I have studied under the meticulous and conscientious guidance of Gaetano for about 8 years.
From him I not only learned the bass technique and the musical theory but also the history of the electric bass and I benefited from his encyclopedic knowledge of music (from the punk-rock of the Clash to the classical of Bach, passing through reggae, funk, the rock, pop, jazz...).
Gaetano has always stimulated me with new challenges and has encouraged my growing passion for music and instrument, following me in many of my concerts with different bands and giving me a huge amount of advice.
After I stopped taking lessons, for 5 years we collaborated on the creation of the Bachbass project, which was a wonderful challenge from which I learned a lot.

Really congratulations for the realization of this site.
A point of reference for those like me who play bass and always find new things to learn and new stimuli to continue doing better!
THANK YOU for existing.

I didn't want any information...
I just wanted to congratulate you for the site...
and the page on aphorisms helped me in a moment of uncertainty and crisis...
it will certainly not be only thanks to the things written on it…
but it is good to read them because deep down they are within us but we continually forget them...

The work we have done (including the dragon) is serving me a lot. And you don't know how much!!!
They all appreciate the method and enthusiasm you have given me.
I never had opportunity to tell you but okay you understood it 🙂

I want to thank you for all that you have taught me and that I will soon learn.
I feel lucky to have found a teacher who reveals his passion when he plays and who managed to convey it to me through music.

The mysterious G sharp! Grand Master with the multimedia course of electric bass, I follow all your riffs.
I am preparing my thesis in structural civil engineering, in October I should graduate with a thesis in structural dynamics regarding an application of a seismic sink, in my opinion there is a lot of music in what I am studying! Modes of vibrating, own frequencies, etc.
I take this opportunity to thank you for the teachings and the forma mentis that you have transmitted me.
Keep in touch.
A hug

(about a video)... it's in a class at the conservatory...
crazy... piano guitar cello two flutes two clarinets and voice... Neapolitan songs... on themes by Rossini, Donizzetti...
with maestro who directs... asthonishing... and it is much more difficult than expected to go on time... even only with the roots...
I'm not in the skin... I guess there is only one way to really thank you: learn to play really...
meanwhile settle for a big one:
Thank you teacher !!!
See you soon

Thanks for the course.
I find it exceptional! I congratulate you, an idea as simple as it is essential for anyone like me who wants to learn how to play electric bass.

Good morning! I am taking your course every day ... and some time ago I asked you for advice.
I bought a Music Man Stingray, and I'm very satisfied... just for the record I wanted to show it to you, I don't know why... Bye!

Hi Gaetano,
about your mail a few days ago "unfortunately" I have no criticism and advice to do and give you.
Indeed I must congratulate you because thanks to your method I have
the technique and the Solfeggio are much improved.
In my opinion, please continue this project very valuable for
who, like me, is in love with the electric bass.
I wait for you to prepare the next lesson (hopefully soon).
A great greeting!

Hi Gaetano,
how are you?
Meanwhile, I would first like to congratulate you on how you explain the topics to those like me who know almost nothing about the subject.
Since for many years I also have to explain things to others in my work, I have learned that often those who explain, however much
very good he may be, he omits, maybe something that he takes for granted and whoever hears the first time, finds it hard to understand. But you are very clear in the explanations, so I congratulate you.
A cordial greeting.

Hi Gaetano,
maybe you remember I bought your manual from you and then you kindly gave me a technical evaluation on my bass.
I really wanted to tell you that I use the Dynarette cushion to play and I have a great time.
In fact, I play mainly sitting.
I don't do concerts, I play with friends and in an ensemble music lab.
Thanks to the correct posture, my neck pain, back pain and wrist pain passed.
A big greeting and good continuation!

Hi Gaetano,
I wanted to thank you a second time.
I read the 'posture' part in your manual and took the suggestion of the Dynarette cushion.
Since you said you were interested in having some feedback, I would like to tell you what I have done if it can be useful as an experience for others.
The situation was critical for me, because as I was no longer a boy, my back did not find a peaceful position.
I tried them all: crossed legs, foot support, sitting with the shoulder strap, etc. etc.
Now with the Dynarette cushion, slightly emptied (as you will see in the photo) and placed on the right leg, the bass reaches me at the same height as when I am standing.
So relaxed back, but also much less bent left forearm.
(actually to take the photo the bass is with the neck horizontally, but I normally hold it with the neck tilted upwards)
I hope my experience will be useful.
Best wishes and good things!

Posture problem solved

Posture problem solved

Wow what a competence!
Thank you very much!
I learned a lot about my bass.
Good things and best wishes!
P.S. Today, thanks to your course, I finally understood the ohm question...

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